Delivery Location

All About Jewelry LLC, accepts orders from clients/customers in the US ONLY. We do NOT entertain orders from outside of the United States.

Delivery Time

  • When you place an order on our website,  Please note: Depending on what state and city, shipping and delivery times may vary depending on where you live.  
  • We make every effort to deliver your order within 15-30 business days. However, shipping delays sometimes can happen due to circumstances beyond our control.

                                                   Date of delivery may vary due to:

  • Carrier shipping practices
  • Delivery location
  • Method of delivery
  • Items ordered

 We are NOT responsible for delivery delays caused by shipping carriers, weather, strikes, or other situations beyond our control, or any damages resulting from the failure to receive an order on time.

Our responsibility is limited ONLY to preparing your order and delivering it for shipping.

Shipping Cost

Shipping costs depend on the number of items, where you live,  and the delivery method. The final costs, including shipping charges, will be shown during checkout.

We charge sales tax on orders according to the city or state to which the order is shipped. Sales tax cost depends on the individual state sales tax.

Damaged items in Transport

Incase you receive a damage or defective item, contact us immediately by email or phone.

                Email:          Phone: (971) 813-9825